
Poster Contest

We launched our poster contest on young people’s right to education on National Child Day 2018. We received more than 300 entries from all over the province. A big “Thank you” to all who submitted! We enjoyed seeing each and every entry.

In June 2019, we announced Sanuda Jayasinghe from Happy Valley-Goose Bay and Bridget Little from St. John’s as the winners of the poster contest. We were delighted to visit their schools and present them with their posters as well as t-shirts with their winning designs on the front.

Name the Bear Contest

In Spring 2018, we launched our Name the Bear Contest. We would like to thank Avery Jackman and Brianna Keefe for the winning name, Charlie. Avery used the following description for the name:

C – children
H – have
A – a
R – right to be
L – loved &
I – included
E – every day

We awarded the two winners of the contest on National Child Day in our travels to Marystown and Botwood on November 20, 2018.